
Tuesday, February 17, 2015


That little phrase we've all heard a million times. I was scrolling through Pinterest the other day and saw a photo of Nicolette Mason (one of my fav fashionistas, who if you don't know, you def should!) wearing a necklace saying those three words. I can't speak to why she chose to wear the necklace, but I can tell you what seeing it meant to me.

It spoke volumes to how women, myself included, are often viewed in terms of their size. It made me stop and think about it. About actually not being sorry about who I am and how I look. I was at sushi awile back and had to get up and squeeze between my table and my neighbors. I said excuse me while making eye contact like I always do. But I added the shoulder shrug, lingering eye contact, I'm so sorry I'm chubby and my butt is hitting your table sorry. It annoyed me. I had apoligized for my body which is something I don't do, but have been conditioned to apologize for, like most women have. Life is too fucking short to apologize for how one looks. Remember that on a daily! 

In our patriarchal society it is a common thought that women are not supposed to take up space. Whether that space be with differing opinions, views and especially not a "different" body.

Most of the time I use Pinterest like everybody does, for fashion, jewels, vacation planning and anything else I can think of. But sometimes you stumble onto something amazing like that necklace Nicolette was wearing. And it changes your whole day. It makes you stop for a second and reminds you of who you are.

Who I am is definitely not sorry.

Check her out!